Horizon HR have recently been involved in supporting schools virtually with lessons on CV preparation, Job interview skills and mock interviews for School leavers.   

Below are some of Horizon HR’s best tips for a job interview!   

1 – CV and covering letter  

This is often your first point of contact with your potential employer.  

Your first impression, what does yours say about you?  

Did you know?  

The number 1 reason candidates do not make it past the application stage is spelling mistakes on their CV.  

Check it, check it, then check it again. Better still get someone else to read it too!  

The 2nd is your email address…. unprofessional names really will not give the best impression to the employer.  

2 – Preparation  

You have had the call and you have secured the interview. (Well done)  

Plan your outfit. Smart, clean, and ironed are all expected from your potential employer.  

Plan your route… nothing is worse than lateness for your nerves and that of your first impression! Know your route and how long it takes to get there. Arriving 5 minutes before your interview is a suitable time.  

3 – Practice makes perfect  

Practice your answers for commonly asked questions. For example – tell me about yourself? What do you think you could bring to our company? 

Having practiced your answers, you will be more relaxed and confident.  

4 – The interview starts 

The moment you walk through the building’s doors until the moment you leave. You will be expected to behave as an employee would while you are on the premises.  

If you are a few minutes early for your interview and are shown to the waiting area – Sit professionally – it’s not necessary to get your phone out.   

5 – Mobiles  

You would be surprised how many candidates felt it was appropriate to answer a call, text or check the time during an interview. 

Your mobile is best on silent or off, and out of sight.  

6 – Greeting  

A strong handshake and eye contact are a must.  

7 – During the interview 

Listen to the questions and speak confidently and clearly – if there is something that you do not quite understand ask them.  

Keep your eye contact with the interviewer and remember you are also seeing if the company is a good fit for you too!  

Its always good to ask a question at the end – when asked if you have any questions for them – if you come up stuck, perhaps ask them if they enjoy working at the company.  

8 – Closing the interview  

Close with a thank you and a firm handshake. Remember that you are still ‘in’ the interview until you have left the premises.  

We really hope that these tips from Horizon HR help you with your interview skills and help you to secure the job you want.  

Good Luck!  

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